Miniaturised + optimised geometries: microthermomoulding for high-performance, innovative medical devices

VULKAM has developed thermomoulding processes dedicated to the manufacturing of economically and technically efficient medical device components. The combination of unique metals with unique production processes Manufacturing medical components with unique geometries and outstanding properties Vulkalloy Nb-Med microthermomoulding for highly stressed components Vulkalloy Nb-Med is the alloy specifically developed by Vulkam for demanding micromechanical applications, […]
Vulkam is proud to have been part of an European Space Agency Program: “Amorphous metals, a game changer to improve the efficiency of Space Cryocoolers“

Public Executive Summary of the Open Space Innovation Platform Project leaded by Vulkam with Thales Cryogenics BV and Lynred First of all, we would like to deeply thank ESA-OSiP teams for their financial, technical and administrative support during our exploratory activity The Program in a nutshell Vulkam, a French high-tech start-up specialized in amorphous metallic […]
Vulkam was invited to the annual european investors “Tech Tour France Transfer Invest 2022”

Vulkam is proud to announce that we have been selected as one of the 40 most promising #deeptech startups of the year 2022! we have been recognized as : “high-quality presentation as evaluated by a panel of International Expert Reviewers” The Tech Tour is THE annual meeting of European investors run by Bpifrance EuroQuity – Bpifrance and we are very proud to be […]
Vulkam sets up its industrial chain for the production of micro-instruments and medical implants

Miniaturising instruments and implants The design of microsurgical instruments and implants is nowadays challenged by a limit to the characteristics of the materials and processing solutions proposed. The DMs must be more efficient, more durable and allow a more precise surgical gesture. Vulkam has developed a range of innovative Zr-based metals (Zirconium) particularly dedicated to […]
Die neuen Vulkalloy® Zr-Med-Legierungen für die Miniaturisierung von medizinischen und chirurgischen Instrumenten

Vulkam, ein innovatives Mikrotechnik-KMU aus Grenoble, hat eine Reihe innovativer Metalle (amorphe Metalllegierungen) entwickelt, die speziell für die medizinische Industrie geeignet sind. Diese Metalle ermöglichen die Herstellung mikromechanischer Teile mit unvergleichlichen Eigenschaften durch ein spezielles Verfahren, das die Miniaturisierung von Instrumenten ermöglicht. Kontext und Herausforderungen bei der Entwicklung von mikrochirurgischen Instrumenten Die Entwicklung von mikrochirurgischen […]
The new Vulkalloy® Zr-Med alloys for the miniaturization of medical and surgical instruments

[German version available here] Vulkam, an innovative microtechnology SME based in Grenoble, has developed a range of innovative metals (amorphous metal alloys) particularly suited to the medical industry. These metals enable the production of micromechanical parts with unparalleled properties, by means of a specific process allowing the miniaturisation of instruments. Context and challenges in the […]
Trade fairs EPHJ, IDS, COMPAMED. Vulkam will be present.

The trade shows are starting again. Come and discover our range of Vulkalloys® for the watchmaking and medical sectors as well as our latest innovations! We are looking forward to welcoming you and exchanging “in real life”. Do not hesitate to contact as our Business Development Manager to arrange a meeting. Let’s meet at […]
Vulkalloy®Zr-Med, a Medical Metal Alloy: application case of an innovative microsurgical forceps

Context and challenges in the design of microsurgical instruments. The design of microsurgical and endoscopic instruments is currently confronted with a limit to the characteristics of the materials and implementation solutions proposed. The trend in user demand is towards greater quality and precision and that of health service funders towards ever more affordable access to […]
MED-engineering: Vulkalloys®, Metals for Miniature Components in Medical Technology

MED-engineering, a portal for the design and development of medical and laboratory products, has selected Vulkam and its Vulkalloys® for this month’s news in the “Trends and Innovations/Materials” section. The article highlights Vulkam, a French company, and the range of Vulkalloys® Amorphous Metal Alloys developed for medical and dental applications, with their exceptional material characteristics […]
Dental Barometer Diffusion : Miniature components for medical technology – Vulkam launches a range of new metals

Dental Barometer, the leading German media in the field of dental technology, has selected Vulkam and its Vulkalloys® for its monthly news section. From implantology to dental technology, endodontics, prosthetics and best practices, it is the reference in the industry as well as among practitioners and users. The article highlights Vulkam, a French company, and […]